A person can be a truthful and best friend to himself and his God only.Busy schedule and busy lives and mostly confusing and fast moving lives are our part as regular but sitting on a beach and relaxing or sitting by a seashore can give you a ton smile coming from deep inside bottom of heart.
A relaxing life after 60's is a normal dream to be looked on but who knows whats gona happen the very next morning, you may get an oppurtunity of lifetime or even may miss out the most important aspect of life. Well all is upon our thoughts and the way we look upon things.
But every individual cannot earn lakhs without knowing his own capabilities and capacities, without sitting in silence or taking out just sometime for ourselves today can make you achieve a lot more than by just running here and there for tommorrow about which you are not even sure about.
A better future is only when you have a better present and if present is struggled, its in ur hands to make it stable.