Thursday, 8 November 2012

Our Life Our Way

The time when all the doors get closed , just because all the problems surround us from all sides , the ways to go seem to be very tough and at times can't even see the proper way , where to go ? is the question that arises.

We listen to all our elders regarding what we should but we try to make our ways and new doors to open that are been locked since so long that no one else had the courage to open them , just because there was someone who din't wanted those doors to open.

But that's not the way to right meaning for a move in our lives. It is just called cheating or an anxiety that a person has. Can't see someone else or may be our own friends to move ahead , that anxiety that jealousy gets increased and rises to the high when we loose self confidence.

Ways open when darkness moves away , darkness moves away when you have the strength and the strength comes when you have self-confidence.

Growing up is a sign of facing problems but also fun and a happening and an our way to go life , problems seems easy when we are interested in things and a confidence comes to face all the problems , surely no one dares to touch you wrong way when you are the right path but with confidence.

Our Life Our Way , is the time going on , do not loose yourself , let the world know , you stand in the crowd , but confidence is above the crowd , in this Marathon everyone runs , the winner wins because he/she has confidence and makes the way from and within the crowd.

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